Thursday 16 June 2011

Me and disability

This is going to be quite a self indulgent Blogg. I'm using you to help me get oUt what I want to say.I suppose I'd better say something now.
I am toOK me years before I could say that.
It all started on my 30th Birthday.I had a brain heammorage,I never know how to spell that. Anyway, as I saying. The police broke into my flat after being alerted by my friends when I hadn't turned up for my Birthday. I know it's a stupid thing to say, but, I thank the lord that it was my birthday. I am a firm believer in the fact that God knows everything.He was really looking out for me that day.
The brain haemorrhage left me in a wheelchair,a right sided weakness,ataxia in my left side,I'm registered blind, with poor speech and a crooked looks worse written down,I don't want to sound depressing.I am quite a happy soul really although I find it difficult to smile.
So,some days later(coma) I woke up in hospital, I had gone from looking after patients(support worker), to being one. I still have a lot to say, my body may not work but my mind does.
I felt like a fully grown toddler, everything I had Learned over the past30years was now no good I had to relearn them all even to stupid things like buttering a slice of bread.
I'm sure you can imagine how frustrating it is. There I go again getting depressive.
The reason I wrote this to remind you we are more than just wheelchairs. And just because someone looks a bit odd they may be just as worried about you as you are of them.
I have started to go twice a month to a small group which is doing wonders for my confidence, I would recommend it to anyone


  1. Well I think that is a good article, keep on writing them....

  2. You are an inspiration Ann!
